This is where LTFS, with enormous storage potential and lower costs than other storage media, can step up to the plate: Exhaust data can be synced to LTFS and then analyzed later once large pools of exhaust data have accumulated. Video and Audio Still another use case for LTFS is video production: Since digital video files are incredibly large, it makes sense that they be stored on media that is likewise large
It is common for Records to be retained on different media and in a number of locations such as:- • email • shared drives • systems databases • external vendor systems storage • microfilm • Microfiche • hard copy kept on the premises • hard copy stored with a professional vendor offsite The result of failing to identify/provide the Records when required is likely to be:- • reputational risk – the risk of damage to your organisation as a result of negative publicity • a fine • imprisonment • a fine and imprisonment From the above, we can see it is of paramount importance to have a defined (and implemented) Records Management Policy and framework
The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) is the latest development in magnetic tape, a technology that has been evolving for over 50 years and remains one of the most efficient means of storing data and information. The Linear Tape File System is self-contained tape that stores data and information...
The IBM team believed that, if they only showed the Linux implementation, they would not garner credibility in the media and entertainment industry, which is the audience of the NAB Show
In the world of physical storage, many of us moved from floppies to CD-ROMs to USB sticks by simply copying the files on the older media onto the newer ones
Backup rotation schemes determine when ESI is backed up on a piece of removable storage media, and how long it should be retained
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