If I had the keys to the castle, just released Microsoft Surface and wanted to bloody the nose of Apple… and by the way, in a hand full of months was about to release the next wave of SharePoint (one of the most installed and powerful Corporate Software Platforms \ ecosytems of all time)… What...
Well, it seems like the buzz this week about Yammer “agreeing” to sell itself to Microsoft are all set to come true. At least based on some of the headlines … Yammer Agrees to Sell Itself to Microsoft Microsoft mulling $1 billion Yammer buy ...
I wrote the post below on May 10, 2011. Since then there have been several articles chiming in on the pros and cons of the pending Microsoft acquisition of Skype. The more I think about it the more I am convinced that Microosft has a significant opportunity to do something great. I'm...
Many organizations are stuck in the "we have always done it like this" way of working: the staff spends 2-3 hours every day commuting to and from work to sit in front of a computer or on the phone. I think future generations will smile (or cry) when they think of how many organizations required...
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