Ensuring Your System & Information Archiecture Architecture Strategy Aligns with Your SharePoint Roadmap When an organization is near the point of kicking off and performing a upgrade and/or migration initative to SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365 , it is key to ensure core elements have been designed and put in place to meet not only the current needs of the organization over the next 12 months but for at least the next 24-36 months via a SharePoint roadmap
Hybrid Search Deep-dive: SharePoint Server 2013 & Office 365 Integration One of the most common configurations that is starting to emerge into today’s IT landscape is that of a hybrid cloud architecture and is something you must plan for in your organization's long-term SharePoint and/or Office 365 roadmap . SharePoint Server 2013 can integrate with cloud-based solutions such as Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online in a secure and federated manner that will allow a user with proper permission’s search to return results from both on-premises in SharePoint Server 2013 as well as in Office 365 in the cloud, as shown in image below. Hybrid Cloud (Hybrid SharePoint 2013 & Office 365) Architecture Summary Overview The following is a summary of a hybrid SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365 search integration and the related components: The remote SharePoint Index allows for the search to be federated between the on-premises SharePoint Server 2013 environment and the cloud-based Office 365 environment for a hybrid cloud environment architecture This sample configuration provides query capability and additional configurations can be implemented to support crawl Hybrid Cloud Architecture Overview The hybrid cloud architecture requires: Configuration of an OAuth trust between your on-premises SharePoint 2013 farm and your Office 365 tenancy The creation of a result source for the remote farm An externally addressable endpoint for the on-premises farm (reverse proxy) that can be reached via the Office 365 sites This sample configuration allow you to query the result source directly or create a query rule to also allow for user queries to the cloud-based Office 365 or remote farm when needed A token is created for the user and security trimmed results are returned which requires 2-way AD synchronization between the SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises environment and Office 365 By using a query rule you can integrate the results from both farms into a single display for users and tailor the UI as desired The results of a hybrid cloud search from a user searching both SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365 : Search Web Parts in SharePoint 2013, Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online There are several new web parts for Search in this latest release of SharePoint that allow users an entire new experience when conducting search. The following is a list of the core search related web parts in SharePoint 2013, Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online : Content Search Web Part (CSWP) The content search web part utilizes various capabilities to display dynamic content within SharePoint pages
Perhaps that's at least part of the lengthier explanation why no one is selling any primers or macros, or project management planning tools that attack the particulars of this upgrade cycle. The question is fair game for implementers great and small whether taking the leap from 2003, MOSS, or diving off the deep-end of the first-timer pool
The team at EPC Group approaches the architecture and design of SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365’s Information Architecture using a the three-prong approach that provides placeholders for the requirements that must be documented but also sets expectations for the SharePoint project team to design an IA that is scalable and has organization’s long-term SharePoint roadmap in mind
As such, I thought it might be helpful to do an overview of the upgrade options and considerations...Furthermore, you cannot upgrade directly from Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
Basically you copy your content and services databases over to your newly created SharePoint 2013 farm and then upgrade the data and the sites
Overview of Office 365, SharePoint Online and My Data A major area of concern about Office 365 is the lack of understanding about how and where the data itself is stored and what proactive measures are being taken to ensure that your data is safe. As part of our research and our ongoing consulting efforts at EPC Group in relation to Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 , we were able to take a tour of an Office 365 data center/facility and hear firsthand from Microsoft some of the steps they are taking to help customers feel at ease about their data
• Defining (in your IT Roadmap) integration requirements for SharePoint and/or Office 365 with external data sources (Oracle, custom SQL databases, HR systems, ERP systems, Documentum, etc.)
It is key to ensure you have a deep understanding of the licensing model and capabilities available to you and your organization so that you are not planning for core features that may not be available with you current licensing model or offering
Understanding On-Premises, Cloud, and Hybrid Environments in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 The on-premises versus cloud environment debate about SharePoint started several years ago. That debate became much more heated when Jared Spataro, Director of SharePoint at Microsoft, announced during a conference that SharePoint 2013 was being developed using a “Cloud First” strategy and that Office 365 customers could expect to have access to the benefits of the new release sooner than on-premises deployments
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