In my last post , I talked about ROI of SharePoint and the above example provides a set of business activities with many hidden "soft" costs -- which are probably not measured in most organizations today
ARMY Portions of Harvard Purdue University Portions of the University of Phoenix Kansas State University University of New Orleans University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) Rhode Island Public School Districts Worcester State University With a SharePoint LMS, there is going to be some configuration and\or custom development which can easily be managed to scale for size or performance but if your organization \ institute already owns and is using the software, a SharePoint LMS is yet another huge way SharePoint can produce real measurable and tangible Return on Investment (ROI). #SharePointROI #LMS #ElectronicRecordsManagement #SharePointLMS #SharePoint #SharePointtraining #training #Education #sharepoint2010
He wanted to share this Microsoft white paper reviewing the ROI of Building a Company-wide, Video Podcasting Portal Using Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Could one of these powerful third-party tools almost act as another full-time employee (FTE) and offer substantial ROI? In many cases, I have personally seen this be the case but do your homework, demo, test, and ask the tough questions
SharePoint evangelists in an organization play a key role in both promoting the ROI, and ultimately the adoption, of SharePoint
EPC Group, who has had over 650 successful implementations (not tooting our own horn), and sometimes will question getting involved in specific 6-8 month RFP \ proposals due to the fact that it is not worth the lengthy procurement process and contract bingo \ eBay-swap will instead take a Fortune 500 \ Fortune 1000 engagement that we know we can get executive buy-in and bring extensive SharePoint Return-on-Investment (ROI) to the table. (Note: WIthout sharing our proprietary and time tested methodologies to every IT firm interested in bidding the effort) 5
This helps companies to establish the near term basis and ROI for implementing SharePoint, as well as a vision for how SharePoint fits into the desired future state
While the new features may be very attractive, it makes good business sense to do the requisite cost/benefit/risk analysis to determine how big an effort the upgrade will be and to try to ascertain the ROI for your organization
There are proven productivity increases that organ izations with a BYOD policy have realized and ROI that comes with empowering users
My advice would be to pilot My Sites within 1 or 2 departments and test these strategies with these users and see how much ROI you really get out of them as I can guarantee you will be amazed at user productivity
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