The team at EPC Group approaches the architecture and design of SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365’s Information Architecture using a the three-prong approach that provides placeholders for the requirements that must be documented but also sets expectations for the SharePoint project team to design an IA that is scalable and has organization’s long-term SharePoint roadmap in mind
Ensuring Your System & Information Archiecture Architecture Strategy Aligns with Your SharePoint Roadmap When an organization is near the point of kicking off and performing a upgrade and/or migration initative to SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365 , it is key to ensure core elements have been designed and put in place to meet not only the current needs of the organization over the next 12 months but for at least the next 24-36 months via a SharePoint roadmap
Understanding the Underlying System Architecture Behind My Sites & Communities in Office 365 & SharePoint 2013 When an organization’s deploys My Sites for their users, the underlying SharePoint 2013 system architecture create a web application, a My Site host site collection, an individual site collection, and several SharePoint service applications and features. Note: The Office 365 | SharePoint Online architecture does differ from that of an on-premise SharePoint 2013 deployment but I have covered the major topical areas for both below
Why are we still turning to general IT and general ECM consultancies to provide guidance in areas in which they do not have expertise? The SharePoint information architecture is different than a standard ECM information architecture. Standard ECM Information Architecture SharePoint Information Architecture Folder Based Structure Site / Library Based Structure Information Management Policies Implemented on Folder Levels Information Management Policies Applied On Hierarchical Structures Called Content Types Metadata Standardized on Folder or Category Metadata Standardized on Content Types Records Declaration As Manual Process Records Declaration As Manual or Automated Process The structure of information is fundamentally different: ECM System > Nested Folders > Content SharePoint > Site Collection > Site > Library > Content Types / Folders / Content The application of policies is fundamentally different and how we perform the operations of a content or records management system are completely different
1 Comment - The presentation of the information in SharePoint differs from a hierarchical file server and the default presentation in systems like ECM Documentum...I do not believe it is the presentation or information organization that causes these projects to fail
In order to do these things correctly, and to ensure adoption, an organization has to possess a broad array of skills that fall into the following categories: IT Pro Information Architecture Software Development Evangelist & Trainer The IT Pro’s job is to set up and configure the platform which requires, at a minimum, a firm understanding of hardware, virtualization, Windows Server, IIS, Active Directory, SQL Server and SharePoint (configuration and administration)
Storage Design of SharePoint 2013 and Hybrid Office 365 Environments When looking at storage in terms of the actual system architecture design perspective , the following initial items should start this conversation: • How has storage been allocated for this effort or what may be available for this initiative?
The SharePoint System Architecture roadmap components must be developed by the business and functional requirements of the information architecture which contains the planning for sites, document libraries, and ultimately the content
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Key Cloud Terms You will hear many different technical references within an Office 365 architectural or business planning conversation, so it is key to understand the core terms as detailed in the sections that follow
Application usage skirts information management and concludes with an open call for volunteers to be SharePoint administrators (!)
Organizations deal with a lot of confidential information every day, information that is typically managed using business applications, like SharePoint
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