It is key to ensure you have a deep understanding of the licensing model and capabilities available to you and your organization so that you are not planning for core features that may not be available with you current licensing model or offering
SharePoint is a very broad platform with a plethora of features. As we all know by now, you don’t simply insert the disk, click on setup.exe, install SharePoint and starting using it
Microsoft has gone all out with this new version of SharePoint and included many features in this version. Thus it is not possible to mention all the new features here because the list is simply endless
In that time O365 has launched has taken the market by storm, and new features have been released on a more frequent basis
3 Comments - It is only a matter of time before those new features become cloud-only
The most obvious reason to upgrade is that you need some of the new features in SharePoint 2010. While the new features may be very attractive, it makes good business sense to do the requisite cost/benefit/risk analysis to determine how big an effort the upgrade will be and to try to ascertain the ROI for your organization
Lync Server 2013 Lync Server 2013’s new features are very visual and in able to get a full grasp of the technology, similar to the BI section above, I am going to include a greater number of screen shots to display these features rather than writing in abstract about Lync 2013’s capabilities
Note: As I have seen with SharePoint 2003, 2007 and 2010’s releases, some features may change or be put into a future Service Pack but this is where the product stands publically today
1 Comment - Errin, Thanks for the post. One of the features I did not see mentioned is retention on sites. This was a big gap in 2010 ECM features. So assuming it's not deprecated at release this is a great new feature that allows you to assign retention and disposition for sites
Visual Studio 2013 and Related Tools and SDK Visual Studio 2013 is the enterprise development tool that should be used on almost any development initiative because the application life-cycle management as well as code repository integration and new SharePoint 2013 integration features make it the only tool available on the market with its capabilities
Developing with the thought process to “error on the side of caution” and to ensure that any custom apps, features, workflows or solutions you are developed are also compatible with the cloud make actually take some extra time in terms of development hours
Understanding the Underlying System Architecture Behind My Sites & Communities in Office 365 & SharePoint 2013 When an organization’s deploys My Sites for their users, the underlying SharePoint 2013 system architecture create a web application, a My Site host site collection, an individual site collection, and several SharePoint service applications and features. Note: The Office 365 | SharePoint Online architecture does differ from that of an on-premise SharePoint 2013 deployment but I have covered the major topical areas for both below
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