Workflow Development "From the Consulting Trenches" There has been a complete update to SharePoint 2013 ’s workflow capabilities and overall workflow architecture, as shown in image below, with new features as well as the underlying workflow engine itself receiving a major overhaul
You will also need to have good working knowledge JavaScript and be very comfortable with HTML and CSS along with the knowledge of the SharePoint 2013’s APIs as well Windows Azure’s SDK and offerings and the updated underlying foundational changes around SharePoint 2013’s workflows and Windows Workflow Foundation 4. Windows Workflow Foundation 4 is hosted in the new Workflow Manager Client, as shown in the diagram below, and is built on the messaging functionality of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). For you to be able to perform development activities in SharePoint 2013 , Office 365 and/or SharePoint Online and Microsoft Azure , there are core technologies and tools you must have available as detailed below: SharePoint 2013 Development Environment: Visual Studio 2013 and tools Microsoft Office 2013 Professional An Office 365 Developer Site Windows Azure SDK and tools: High-level overview of SharePoint 2013 Workflow and the W orkflow Manager Workflow activities, which are implementations of activity classes and are implemented declaratively by using XAML (e.g. Extensible Application Markup Language), represent the underlying managed objects that drive the overall workflow behavior. Workflow actions, which are defined by the author of the workflow, are wrappers that encapsulate the underlying activities and they are easily reviewable in SharePoint Designer 2013
So you have a very good and well established SharePoint application and all is going well but it is now 2013 and Microsoft have done again; they have gone out and release yet another version of Microsoft SharePoint which is SharePoint 2013
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization. New Hybrid (Office 365) Governance Fundamentals Users that Ignore Governance and Planning for the Real World If it’s easy to get around it, they will: To ensure it will happen, enforce it transparently If it’s to complex, it won’t happen Strike a balance between: Note: Always consider compliance around HIPAA, PHI, and PII related data in Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013
I have had the pleasure of being able to test SharePoint Server 2013 for about the past year and with the preview and public information becoming available I wanted to put together this article to cover some of the major changes that are coming with SharePoint Server 2013 (also SharePoint Foundation 2013) and things for you to think about in your current or planned SharePoint 2010 implementation
1 Comment - I was a little bummed after playing with 2013 for a week now to see that the ECM functionality is not substantially changed...I did several tests of importing 2010 taxonomies into 2013 and it worked like a charm!
Our consultants may be onsite at any given client and require access to a document off of our SharePoint Server 2013 intranet or ECM platform that a client requests and we must be able to immediate to meet that request
Once upon a time, Melissa, while pondering the use of SharePoint, asked the question, “Does it have workflow?” Her teacher answered, “Since workflow, defined in your case as the ability to move information through an organization so that a series of activities can be performed to accomplish an overall goal, the answer is yes.” Melissa smiled and asked politely, “Is is suitable for all types of workflow?” Her teacher responded, “Let me explain how I see it being used
What are the initial goals you are trying to accomplish by implementing SharePoint 2013 and what are some other functionalities or offerings that SharePoint 2013 brings to the table that you see possibly being utilized in the future?
Can you opt to go right to SharePoint 2013 with your licensing agreement or is SharePoint 2010 you’re only licensing option?
It’s true, we are a long way off from seeing serious uptake of SharePoint 2013. In fact, most organizations are still using SharePoint 2007 despite the advantages that 2010, and 2013, are offering
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