Security Governance Best Practices for SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 | SharePoint Online EPC Group understands that security has never been a hotter topic in IT, but in most cases, even though it is being discussed by members of the organization and dominates a good deal of technology news coverage, it is still often not properly addressed in many SharePoint deployments
Security & Identity Management "From the Consulting Trenches" There are a number of security, identity management and authentication considerations when developing custom applications and related features in SharePoint 2013, Office 365, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Azure
A lot of IT organizations are playing catch-up around governance and their information management policies and have pushed back on BYOD due to the added complexity it brings and ultimately forces specific polices to be approved
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization. New Hybrid (Office 365) Governance Fundamentals Users that Ignore Governance and Planning for the Real World If it’s easy to get around it, they will: To ensure it will happen, enforce it transparently If it’s to complex, it won’t happen Strike a balance between: Note: Always consider compliance around HIPAA, PHI, and PII related data in Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013
Overview With the SharePoint Server 2013 Preview being released yesterday there are a lot of organizations who are currently involved in large SharePoint 2010 deployments who are wondering how best they can adjust or minimize any system architecture or information architecture changes as well as governance updates to their current initiative
1 Comment - I was a little bummed after playing with 2013 for a week now to see that the ECM functionality is not substantially changed...I did several tests of importing 2010 taxonomies into 2013 and it worked like a charm!
We want this project to not only focus on getting us into SharePoint 2013 and off the older version but also as an opportunity to implement governance and new permission strategies and also implement custom branding that aligns with our corporate brand. We are also very interested in taking advantage of the new built-in FAST technology in SharePoint 2013’s search
I.T. management has pushed back on My Sites and they have only been implemented in a few departments but they are enabled, just not really promoted. Governance was lightly taken into consideration as a few “Microsoft” governance templates were used at first but the “SharePoint Governance Committee” concept really never took hold
So you have a very good and well established SharePoint application and all is going well but it is now 2013 and Microsoft have done again; they have gone out and release yet another version of Microsoft SharePoint which is SharePoint 2013
” When referring to the “top-down” implementation approach, EPC Group is referencing the “build it and they will come” mentality where SharePoint sites are implemented across the organization and allowed to proliferate without proper governance , security strategies , and the identity of a core set of content types that manage the actual types of content (documents, etc.) that SharePoint will be storing
The information architecture design and related analysis you perform will be the driving factor around areas such as site structure and the services and functionality provided by SharePoint 2013. Whether your organization’s SharePoint 2013 implementation should be departmentally structured and follow closely to the company’s organizational chart or should have a functional hierarchy based around the major functionalities of business units and their related divisions should be determined once you fully understand the options SharePoint 2013 provides to you and your team
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