For this reason, risk analysis programs should also include the assessment of the quantity and broad content of legacy data
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The initial project launch not only details the goals and changes that will take place but also emphasizes the need for continuous analysis, refinement and implementation of improved ways of working with technology and process, the idea being one of setting proper expectations from the beginning
When the need for unconstrained handprint or cursive writing recognition is required, the need for more complex analysis arises. Standard read accuracy rates become more an art than a science and depend heavily on the types of form data, the instructions typically included (such as the instructions “please print” or “enter date as MM/DD/YYYY”), the cost of human intervention, and desired processing throughput rate
Perhaps the most important thing for a risk officer or compliance worker to consider is what they actually consider to be risk within their organization. Analysis of this risk requires a balance of standards, exposure, and what it would mean to your business
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