“ Responsive Design ”. Responsive design is an approach to creating web and mobile channels that can self-tune content delivery and experience based on factors such as device, screen size, or location. Examples of web sites, including news and media publications, using responsive design approach can be found here: http://mediaqueri.es/ I was pleased to get some great recommendations from CMSExpo attendees on how to learn more about this intriguing concept. One of the top proponents of Responsive Design, Ethan Marcotte , acknowledges inspiration for this approach to content delivery from the “responsive architecture” discipline, used to design buildings and physical spaces that can adapt as people pass through them
1 Comment - HTML5 adds some better tools for semantic markup, but the principle is the same: separate your content and structure (semantic HTML) from your design (CSS) and behavior (unobtrusive JavaScript). Then you can apply Responsive Design and Progressive Enhancement concepts and have truly portable content that is more accessible, usable, and manageable
Web 2.0, Mobility and Responsive Design have become standard requirements
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