In What Should You Do with Your Legacy Archiving System? , I offered a simple procedure for helping you decide what to do with your archiving systems. In this post I provide a quick overview of the three general solution options you have for archiving: Option 1: a High-Volume...
I work for a hospital and we are looking for products that we can migrate our reports repository and invoice into. We are also looking for a ECM with workflow so that we can setup processes to route and store electronic records. The system would need tight security. If anyone has any...
I have a confession to make. When I was graduating from high school back in the 90s, I was asked a bunch of questions about the future. One of them was, “Will cellular phones replace land lines?” I answered, “No, never.” Today, of course, I haven’t had a land...
Many organizations are still paper intensive, which makes it costly and time consuming to process and deliver documents to colleagues, partners, or customers. To assist you in finding the right capture software for capturing paper documents, AIIM — with the help of its 65,000 strong community...
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