It’s human nature to want more. We want new cars with all the options, home electronics with all the latest features, houses with more rooms and bigger kitchens. Let’s face it, we all want to show off every once and a while. After all, we’re human, right? But, how many of us use all the...
I’ve spent a lot of time recently with my head buried in clients’ EIM/ECM/BPM software business requirements and vendor selection criteria, and it’s been fascinating in the aggregate to see when – and whether – in their RFP process the hardware side of the equation...
This post provides a proven 9-step process for selecting ECM software and implementers . Once you’ve clarified your Current State, defined your Future State, and planned your Roadmap, it’s time to select a solution and vendor. It seems like I’ve done this several hundred times...
Shadrach White previews his AIIM 2013 conference session. Enjoy, and follow #AIIM13 and @AIIMcon for all of the latest news and noise about next year’s event. Register today, space is limited and going fast. Shadrach White CEO cloudPWR Shad has 17 years’...
If two points make a line and graphically indicate a trend, then what do three, four, and six points make? A movement, perhaps an inevitability … Over the past several weeks, I have had essentially the same conversation with multiple users, service providers, and even reporters...
Earlier this month, I blogged (again) about the need to think deeply about what your information management problems actually are before you even think about thinking about applying technology to mitigate those problems – and then, in the hardware store, I found the perfect bit of...
Investing in a web project is an investment into the future. Therefore, it’s important that the solution you choose serves you not only today, but over the long term as well. Organizations are losing billions of dollars each year because they select the wrong hardware, middleware, and...
Microsoft has done some brilliant marketing around SharePoint, they’ve managed to manipulate the very software approval process at many large organizations. To say “Bravo!” in their honor may be an understatement. Generally, when enterprises are seeking software they...
Those darn RFPs - can’t live with them and can’t live without them. A friend sent me a blog about RFPs and how they are useless and a waste of time. The writer of the blog goes on to say that companies that write RFPs usually don’t understand the technology they are writing an...
I was speaking with a potential client who said that one of their procurement problems was that project costs tended to grow and once started on the upward spiral, they were hard to control. I asked if they wrote RFPs and were there adequate specifications in the RFP? His answer was, “I...
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