An archived version can be found here: A more detailed write up on the technical challenges and a white paper can be found here: Over the last years, I have seen high-profile organizations adopting electronic archive solutions based on, for-instance, open XML standards (among them White House, UN, NARA, European Commission, etc.)
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We’ll start with “standard.” The best standards are both useful and used by multiple, competing vendors and by customers. Just having a standard for a piece of technology is not enough
Open source software has also almost become the norm in new standards implementation. This trend is relatively recent, but if you look at standards such as the JCR or CMIS , both were immediately implemented as a freely available open source project. I think that this makes a lot of sense since a standard implementation is similar to infrastructure work, and this makes it easy for companies involved in the standard to share their work and improve the overall quality and availability of the new standard. For interoperability standards such as CMIS this is especially useful since it can really help with the hardest work of making sure that different implementations actually do work together and that issues are raised and fixed quickly and transparently (bypassing corporate politics). It is therefore also my hope that the new upcoming Web Experience Management Interoperability standard will also have an open source implementation
I moderated a panel discussion on the unique challenges of non-profits when deploying a web CMS, as well as presenting on the topic of open standards as a driver for business. The “Open Standards and Open Source Mean Open for Business” slides are now available on SlideShare
1 Comment - At that time XHTML 1.0 was the Web Standard for markup. HTML5 adds some better tools for semantic markup, but the principle is the same: separate your content and structure (semantic HTML) from your design (CSS) and behavior (unobtrusive JavaScript)
Finally, we have a content management standard that allows interoperability of applications in a way that we have had with databases for the last two decades
In order to answer that question, I believe we need to look in the direction of open source software and standard definitions. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a standard that made it easy to write document syncing clients ?
Many analysts, consultants, customers and even casual observers have been predicting that SharePoint will eventually become the de-facto standard ECM application at the cost of market share and license revenue for traditional ECM players
The key industry standard in the content space is called the Content Management Interoperability Standard (CMIS)
Technology platforms that adopt standards, APIs and specs that are built openly and collaboratively will increasingly find a place inside like-minded enterprises
Work with vendors that support CMIS and other standards. CMIS was designed to make sure that different repositories can talk to each other, eliminating siloed content, and vastly roving the user experience
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