OpenSocial , an open API first launched by Google in 2007, is a standardization effort that deserves a bit more attention from ECM practitioners
With closer inspection, the real issues were things like proprietary "blob" formats, poorly documented APIs, hard to discern BPM systems, and legacy content formats
The Jackrabbit project is also at the origin of the Java Content Repository API (JCR) specification, here again an innovation that came from the open source world
Such is the example of the Apache Jackrabbit project, an implementation of the Java Content Repository API , and that is used as the storage backend for multiple competing companies such as Adobe (formally Day) , Hippo , Magnolia and of course my own : Jahia
This new version of HTML is much better suited to handle the rich media requirements of content publishers, without incurring a technical or financial dependence on providers such as Apple. New elements and APIs specific to handling audio and video better aligns to the “engagement” goals we have with our web and mobile strategies today
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Should you decide not upgrade to the current vendor’s new version or go with another vendor, you can end up completely locked-in for the historical archive, because the original vendor may not exist or will not allow competitors to access their archives via an developers API’s. Once an archive is scheduled for “End of Life”, it is an opportune time to get off the migration merry go round, and search for an archive that will stand the test of time, without handcuffing your IT and legal department
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