BYOD) aware of any possible challenges, sign-offs, or privacy related data policies is the best first step as there must be expectations from both sides (i.e
eDiscovery Best Practices in SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365 "From the Consulting Trenches" Not only do records stored on users devices and in SharePoint become relevant in legal and compliance related cases and incidents, but emails as well as even Lync conversations also fall into eDiscovery requests more and more every day. The new eDiscovery features and functionality in SharePoint Server 2013 and Office 365's SharePoint Online provides improved methods to help protect your organization as well as its team members
Overview of Key SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Methodologies and Best Practices Over the past 10+ years (as I will try note to date myself too much), back when I started working with SharePoint 2001, back when it was code-named Tahoe in late 2000, alongside of "Project Central" (which would later become Project Server 2002), there have been identifiable and "repeatable processes" that I have seen work time and time again regardless of the size of the organization or the business vertical the company may be in. As I have worked alongside my colleagues at EPC Group (as they are really the ones that have helped perfect and rework these elements and I just get to take the credit here on AIIM's blog) in our SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 consulting practices, we have taken these "identifiable and repeatable processes" to drive the underlying methodologies, strategies and lessons learned that have stemmed directly from these initiatives executed within organizations of all sizes and from all business
This post is meant to provide you with a visual overview of the underlying scalability considerations and related best practices for a Hybrid SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Environment . SharePoint Farm Resource Hierarchy SharePoint 2013 | Hybrid Office 365 Web App Resource Hierarchy Deployment Impact Examples - IIS Reset (EPC Group Example) Deployment Impact Examples- App Pool Reset (EPC Group Example) Maintenance Windows (Backup, code promotion, etc.) Understanding Isolation Modes in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 Hybrid Deployments In SharePoint 2013: Each “customer” = one site collection under managed path Similar to today Each Web Application = one app pool Similar to today Each Web Application = one URL Similar to today Exception Process for Host Header named site collections (vanity URL’s) Along Side or in an Office 365 Hybrid Deployment: BYO Servers Leverage existing architecture Hybrid Considerations (Seamless SharePoint 2013 On-Prem \ Office 365 Cloud Search Integration) Scaling Web Front-ends and Understanding When to Scale App Scale and Tipping Points EPC Group’s Nationally Recognized Practice Areas EPC Group leading SharePoint , Office 365 , Infrastructure Design and Business Intelligence Practice areas continue to lead the way in providing our clients with the most up-to-date and relevant information that is tailored to their individual business and functional needs. Additional "From the Consulting Trenches" strategies and methodologies are covered in EPC Group's new book, " SharePoint 2013 Field Guide: Advice from the Consulting Trenches" covering not only SharePoint 2013, Office 365 and SharePoint Online but Information Management, ECM\RM and overall compliance strategies in this ever changing world of " Hybrid IT
Security Governance Best Practices for SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 | SharePoint Online EPC Group understands that security has never been a hotter topic in IT, but in most cases, even though it is being discussed by members of the organization and dominates a good deal of technology news coverage, it is still often not properly addressed in many SharePoint deployments. In many SharePoint deployments, the organization’s Active Directory (AD) deployment may have a good deal of duplication, custom groups, or old and expired information that have been created and stored over many years. Implementing a best practices SharePoint security strategy requires in-depth planning and knowledge of the overall information architecture (IA) design as well as an understanding and awareness of the capabilities available
The team at EPC Group approaches the architecture and design of SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365’s Information Architecture using a the three-prong approach that provides placeholders for the requirements that must be documented but also sets expectations for the SharePoint project team to design an IA that is scalable and has organization’s long-term SharePoint roadmap in mind
This is the 3 nd in a 3 part “SharePoint Decision Guide – A Best Practices Roadmap and Organizational Strategy” white paper developed by EPC Group to provide you with key information and in-depth analysis that will assist your organization in developing a best practices 24-36 month SharePoint \ Office 365 Roadmap and related implementation strategy
Part 2 - “SharePoint Decision Guide – A Best Practices Roadmap and Organizational Strategy” This is the 2 nd of a 3 part “SharePoint Decision Guide – A Best Practices Roadmap and Organizational Strategy” white paper was developed by EPC Group to provide you with key information and in-depth analysis that will assist your organization in developing a best practices 24-36 month SharePoint Roadmap and related implementation strategy
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Introduction This 3 part "SharePoint Decision Guide – A Best Practices Roadmap and Organizational Strategy" white paper provides you with key information and in-depth analysis that will assist your organization in developing a best practices 24-36 month SharePoint Roadmap and related implementation strategy
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization. New Hybrid (Office 365) Governance Fundamentals Users that Ignore Governance and Planning for the Real World If it’s easy to get around it, they will: To ensure it will happen, enforce it transparently If it’s to complex, it won’t happen Strike a balance between: Note: Always consider compliance around HIPAA, PHI, and PII related data in Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013
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