Missed AIIM 2014? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. First up is Dan Rosen, Director of Policy Analysis and Enforcement...
Upcoming deadlines to comply with the 2012 President’s Managing Government Records Directive are putting new pressure on federal agencies to develop, fund and implement the new requirements and milestones. The directive is also an opportunity: Agencies now have the chance to...
When we talk about retention periods with respect to ECM and ERM, we are usually focused on process. “ How do we establish the period? ” “ What happens at the end of the period? ” “ Can we establish a legal hold? ” What about when there is no period? Or, what...
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Many may have noticed the coverage of the Directive outlining new records management requirements in the federal government . The directive is NARA's and OMB's response to a memo issued by President Obama in late 2011 . Among the requirements outlined in the directive: By 11/15...
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The current General Records Schedule (GRS) from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is based on subjects and document types/format. Earlier this week NARA released a proposal that they are restructured the GRS and taking a big bucket approach. The new GRS approach will...
I speak and write a lot about technology issues. Periodically someone will come up to me and ask, "How can you stay on top of all this stuff? It never ends - how can normal people like me keep up?" My first response is that you don't have to grok the nuances of database normalization, storage...
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