Like a stock trader who has purchased a “put” on a stock in hopes the stock value will decrease, I continue to see articles and blogs every now and then asking questions and making statements on doubts about how long SharePoint can remain dominant or how it will adopt to the ever changing mobile world
2 Comments - There are tools out there that have really handled the issue (and difference) between accessibility and usability of SharePoint quite well, like Discover Technologies' "Discover 508 for SharePoint"
One of the major issues around BYOD has been around the security risks that can be increased but in SharePoint 2013’s case there are solutions such as Microsoft’s System Center’s Windows Intune that can be put in place to assist in resolving some of these challenges
Well, then, ol’ Doc Weissman has just the thing: take two of these tablets and call me in the morning!
Can’t do that anymore since, in most cases, this one is connected to that one, and everything needs to be connected to you . In one recent engagement, our activity began with a seemingly simple exploration of new CRM alternatives
Netflix is an overachiever in this regard but I think we see a trend here...Assess the standard things you look at in an ECM Current State Assessment...Process DM needs the ability to participate in workflows via mobile devices
On a personal level, I loved the holism that pervaded the messages in terms of their ability to support interoperability across document repositories and back-end data stores
1 Comment - As if you essay wasn't enough to rattle the brains of the most strong among us, they then face the migration of mission critical applications and platforms to the Cloud and try to integrate all of that with the small device they carry in their pocket. I don't envy our ECM friends and colleagues wrestling with an ever-changing landscape on the ground and in the sky (Cloud)!
In other parts of the world such as Africa, Central/South America, and South Asia, however, hand-helds are already often the only computing device in play for business users
I believe the “rich app” world will remain in place for quite some time. However, strategic use of the cloud – and cloud-based apps in conjunction with on-premise solutions – will be our next big shift
This post may help if you’re thinking about what kinds of ECM or Social Collaboration applications should be in your roadmap and how you should prioritize them
Making large numbers of manuals or even an entire corporate library available for offline access on mobile devices is not as easy as it sounds. In an age where the number of PCs in the field is going down, the traditional browser feature for making content usable offline is becoming less useful. Mobile devices often don’t have enough space to cache entire libraries of information that were published for use in a browser running on a PC. The caching function also requires the user to know what he needs in advance, and to have already visited the content
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