For physical records it may take decades for a building to decay and no longer be a safe location for records. Records born digital are on magnetic tape which are starting to decay the moment the tape is created and need constant preservation and care to ensure long term access
I was listening to a day-long presentation on Records Management and developments in the industry by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer the other day. On my way to the event I was catching up on my twitter stream, a post caught my eyes. Do you remember the announcement that the Library of Congress ...
Actually, most CIOs do not care about the value of information, but much more of its cost (production, storage, preservation, reproduction,duplication, circulation, operation, security, etc.). 2) records managers So, may be Information Governance is a matter to leave in the hands of records managers and archiving experts
Organizations are facing the reality that electronic information is or can be a record and as such are now trying to address how they will manage this mounting mass. AIIM research and in discussions I have had with students in my classes, we find that many organizations are turning to SharePoint...
” The book focuses mainly on how information—particularly political information—is delivered by the media, and Johnson know whereof he speaks; he was co-founder of Blue State Digital, the firm that built and managed President Obama’s online campaign for the presidency in 2008, as well as director of Sunlight Labs at the Sunlight Foundation, where he was in charge of building open source tools to give people greater access to government data
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