His life work is a testament to our community of razor sharp, idea-driven, independent-minded, interconnected, and slightly quirky colleagues
Whether we are collaborating face to face, on a conference call, or in a community of practice discussion thread, the additive input from others adds to the knowledge we have and we create new knowledge
You decide to add knowledge to the repository, or update your SME profile, or attend a community of practice meeting, or mentor a colleague, or attend a company function, or network at a conference
It has been something that we in the knowledge management community have been discussing for a long-time
Duncan recently retired after 20+ years of service at Shell Canada (which is now wholly owned by Royal Dutch Shell) and I recently had the privilege of joining him and several of our peers in the Calgary knowledge and information management community at a retirement luncheon in Duncan's honour
If it is a company community of practice then perhaps I do benefit in some way if I contribute to the bottom line by providing good advice
SharePoint is a fairly simple, highly reliable collaboration and information management platform that connects and empowers people through online business communities, where they can collect and share important tacit knowledge, documents and keep track of projects
You could argue with the priorities but not with the brilliant math for using personal honor as the catalyst for benefiting the larger community's
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