First, let me apologise for the shamefully sensationalised headline, but I just couldn't resist. I'm often nagged by my colleagues to make my headlines more attention-grabbing, and while this one may be a little tongue-in-cheek (I am generally pretty dismissive of over-hyped headlines like this)...
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As we enter a phase where social collaboration is beginning to mature as a concept, and is being increasingly accepted by businesses as a way to help make positive changes to the way they work and the culture they aspire to develop, one of the most fascinating trends in this area is the growth...
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According to Forrester, 57% of enterprises are making some investment in enterprise social in 2011. The rise of social business (within both consumer and enterprise segments) was front and center at Dreamforce 2011. At this year's conference, Salesforce CEO Mark Benihoff set the stage...
For anyone keeping score these days, the market for social business software, especially enterprise collaboration, is heating up. Large software players such as Microsoft, IBM and all tout the “collaboration capabilities” of their products, from Microsoft's...
I have a lot of random thoughts going through my mind this week. I think they are somehow connected. First: The Social Business Imperative I’m hearing this concept and even this specific phrase more and more. As far as I know, the phrase “Social Business...
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