However, even that does not quantify the value of the information itself. On the other hand, it`s fairly obvious that information that can`t be accessed has, at best, zero value. At worst it has a negative value (or value to your competitors) because it’ll be used against you. For a couple of days after the Tweetchat I was thinking about how I would go about assigning value to information. What really struck me is that the value of information is not fixed
3 Comments - Many business do place a value on some of their information. The information that is used to gain and protect a patent/trademark has a monetary value of the protected 'product'. That will include current sales, expected sales, value/price if sold, etc
" Some responses to the original post posited that information only has value if it’s being used
2 Comments - The main framework for thinking about the issue has been the concepts of exchange value and value in use and the research has decline because of the difficulty in determining value in use
In a three-part blog series, we will take a look at the value that records managers can bring to the implementation of EDRMS systems...To avoid these negative outcomes, the onus is records managers to avoid being bypassed and show that they can add value to the process
In a relatively recent survey conducted by CIO for SAS, just 14% of responding IT and business leaders said their organizations are just starting to realize the value of the information at their disposal, and only 40% said their organizations realize the potential of their information but are struggling with how to make that information actionable
In a three-part blog series, we are looking a look at the value that records managers can bring to the implementation of EDRMS
A while back I wrote a couple of posts ( one and two ) about attempting to value information as an asset, carried on the balance sheet
At the same time the potential business value relevant, timely and contextual information has never been greater...We call this the information value-gap. Closing the value-gap requires new strategies and new tools
Are you really getting the full impact value of a RRS or does it sit on the shelf/file on the server collecting dust, or worse serving as a door stop? What is the value today that you receive from your past RIM victories? We, the RIM professionals, have said for years that the RRS applies to both paper and electronic records and information, yet, in 2010, less than 50% of the companies that said they have a RRS are actually realizing the fullest value of that single-now-simplified document
Continuing education requirements ensure that the CIP certification holds its value over the long term...CIP Improves Messaging Probably the biggest value of CIP is that it improves messaging
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
Both really need to be optimized and synchronized to provide maximum total value to your organization...But if that content can’t quickly and efficiently get to the people who need it, then its value is seriously degraded
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