
How RIM can add value to an EDRMS implementation

By Ross Nepean posted 05-30-2014 16:45


In a three-part blog series, we will take a look at the value that records managers can bring to the implementation of EDRMS systems.

When an organization implements an Electronic Document and Record Management System (EDRMS), responsibility for implementing the system typically rests with the IT department. As a result, RIM teams can be left out of the process or are brought in too late to provide meaningful input. This is often a result of misconceptions about the nature of records management that persist today, particularly that RIM is strictly about the management of paper records.

The failure to obtain RIM involvement is at the very least a missed opportunity for everyone involved, from the RIM department to end users to the organization as a whole. In more serious cases this lack of input can jeopardize the overall success of the EDRMS deployment. To avoid these negative outcomes, the onus is records managers to avoid being bypassed and show that they can add value to the process.

Getting a seat at the EDRMS table.

Industry wide, there is an increasing recognition that EDRMS requires three foundational elements in order to succeed: information architecture (IA), metadata, and taxonomy.

Given that these tools are the bread and butter of RIM programs, it makes RIM professionals a natural choice to assist with the EDRMS implementation. By applying their expertise in these areas, RIM professionals can help ensure the following successful outcomes for the EDRMS system:

  • User empowerment. With multiple ways to identify and locate documents, users are able to what they need more easily and create powerful data sets from multiple search types.
  • Increased user satisfaction. An easier and more effective system means happier users, which also helps increase adoption.
  • Improved "findability". IA and metadata can help users discover additional relevant information on top of the information that they already know exists.
  • Increased responses to legal requests. IA, metadata and taxonomies dramatically increase an organization’s ability to confidently produce all records required for a specific request.
  • Better RIM programs. IA, metadata and taxonomies bring a number of benefits to the RIM program. For example, system-applied metadata can be leveraged to ensure that electronic records are tagged with disposition rules from their creation. This helps ensure the timely disposition of records.

As our business colleagues and IT departments begin the planning process for EDRMS, they may not be aware of the importance of IA, metadata, and taxonomy. Our first job is therefore to communicate the importance of these tools. From there, it is up to us to seize the opportunity to bring our expertise to bear on implementation and ensure success for all involved.

In our upcoming posts we will dive into more detail on what's involved when applying IA, metadata and taxonomies to EDRMS.

Next Steps

#EDRMS #metadata #deployment #informationarchitecture #ElectronicRecordsManagement #implementation #Taxonomy #Records-Management
