Introduction In the previous installments (January 17 and January 26, 2014), I discussed my difficulties with the current definitions of “Information Governance,” a hierarchical view of Governance and Management, and the nature of the activities at each level
1 Comment - First, let me say I've enjoyed reading this discussion on a "Simple Model for Information Governance"...However, I'm still not personally buying into the whole concept of applying the term "Governance" to the management of information as an asset
In my book, Information-Driven Business , I introduce a four layer model for information. You can also read more about this model in the MIKE2.0 article: Four Layers of Information . The four layer model provides a way of describing information in every organisation. The model explains how information is consumed (layer 1: metrics), navigated (layer 2: dimensional), held (layer 3: atomic) and created (layer 4: operational)
Clearly, how you apply governance evolves as your organization grows...But does any of that make governance different for SMBs?
People are always asking "Where should I start with my SharePoint governance planning?" My answer is never as satisfying as they would hope -- it depends
I am big advocate of the Information Governance Reference Model
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Deployment and use of social media are the basis of the model Enterprise 2.0, which also was the subject of many publications some of which were relayed on this blog
Over the last few weeks some pretty bright minds have been talking / writing about what Information Governance (IG) is and isn’t
Why would I pick a title that almost guarantees no one will read this, especially in the shadow of Marc Solomon and Chris Walker’s recent, excellent blogs on the topic of information governance ( Big Governance and the Politics of Self-Regulation and Governance sucks but doesn't have to )?
We're the people that have been busy developing models of governance (or rather, reworking the models of Governance that we've used since the days of Microfilm) and have been driving forward the conversation about how SharePoint can be used as a "proper" ECM (and yes, maybe even ERM) system
I suspect that a large part of the issue is that classification models are too granular and too tightly coupled to the retention schedule
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