I am often asked where I think the Records and Information Management function should exist within a company's org chart...So where should the Records and Information Management function live? Not in IT, at least not in most cases
Most organisations do not have such a regulating organ, or function, at all. Sounds simple enough, but how can you create a centralised policy that determines precisely, which 30% of the content, needs to be preserved?
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According to a survey of 200 IT executives by Bluewolf , 48% will hire more contractors than full-time [ Tweet This ] staff and 32% see the need to increase their levels of IT outsourcing in the coming year. The IT functions most frequently outsourced were, Application Development, Web and Mobile Development, Application Hosting, App Maintenance and Data Center Operations
Given the cost benefit and enhanced security features available, it then comes as no surprise then that government institutions, like those in Canada have now migrated to the cloud for critical functions like DDoS protection and communication systems
In this time of austere budgets and turf battles, it helps to consider the role of IT as a critical enabler, not a necessary placeholder. This means functioning as a service organization, not an auto body shop that swaps out office machines to the rhythm of the depreciation cycle
Although the CIO typically has line responsibility for implementing IT governance, the CEO and board of directors must receive reports and updates to discharge their responsibilities for IT governance and to see that the program is functioning well and providing business benefits
Records document a business process and show how functions, activities and subactivities are accomplished
A new study sponsored by HP reveals that more than half of the 5,500 IT operations and security managers surveyed reported having access to confidential information beyond the requirements of their position, and that many of them look at this information “out of curiosity, not job function” (a.k.a. “The rules don’t apply to me
Records management is changing and evolving which is why I view these concepts as ones that also correspond to information governance as we must be able to adapt our functions to a world that is going from paper to digital
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