It may be initially appealing, but without the organization’s Information Technology executives completely owning the environment and its governance, customization, and federation strategy it will be a long-term failure and future migration project (from the external cloud into an internally hosted Private Cloud). An enterprise SharePoint Server 2010 platform implemented in a Private Cloud, an environment internal to the organization with total control of its servers, permissions \ security, customization and deployment policies, and federation between line-of-business systems and various data sources is the only deployment platform global and large enterprise organization should focus on. There is a place for a cloud-based SharePoint 2010 deployment in small to medium sized businesses who only mostly require out-of-the-box features and functionality and siloed \ departmental permission strategies
You have probably been flooded with external sources telling you what SharePoint Governance really is and I am here to state mine and my SharePoint Consulting organization, EPC Group’s , definitive and believe only true way to implement Global Intranet Governance with a forward looking roadmap to match
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email: Twitter – BobLarrivee #Earth #global #workplace #BPM #WiFi #Connectivity #ECM #SharePoint #AIIM #Wang #wiki
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