Like many software tools, EDRMS is only as good as the effort put into configuring the system. You can buy the best EDRMS tool on the market, but a poor setup and implementation will render it unpopular or downright unusable. Getting EDRMS "right" requires the use of three distinct information tools: information architecture (IA), metadata and taxonomy. As records managers, our background in the use of these tools puts us in a great position to ensure the success of an EDRMS implementation
Industry wide, there is an increasing recognition that EDRMS requires three foundational elements in order to succeed: information architecture (IA), metadata , and taxonomy. Given that these tools are the bread and butter of RIM programs, it makes RIM professionals a natural choice to assist with the EDRMS implementation
For each of the three tools, a situational analysis is the best starting point...The following checklist of questions will help during this process: Current systems: What existing EDRMS tools are in place?
As the volume of electronic information has grown, EDRMS has been a welcome tool in the efforts to manage records and non-records alike
For example, if the system incorporates automated workflow tools, you can monitor the use of these over time to spot peaks and troughs
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