Depending on the results of the current assessment one could be starting a program where nothing is in place; no capture solutions, no records management policies, no retention schedule or even if they have one it sits on an island without record series connecting to any particular document types, no e-discovery solution, multiple ECM systems in place and yet most of the data remains on network drives, no email management solution, no vision regarding information management from upper executives, etc
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However, many companies have a variety of departmental solutions. It isn’t uncommon for a company to have four or five different ECRM vendors installed in various departments
Firms like Adobe and Symantec who have point solutions might also decide it is finally time to buy some of the existing companies and follow a similar strategy
I don’t put all the blame on the ECRM solutions. If the underlying processes being automated are complicated, then the resulting systems are likely to be complicated
Government and commercial firms are faced with the challenge of uncertain budgets and the need for quick implementations. Cloud solutions, especially for ECRM, address both of those
The next fiscal year might be the best opportunity ever for organizations to buy high quality ECM solutions because the competitive dynamics have never been better
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