So, many people proposed their definition (and sometimes several definitions) to explain what enterprise 2.0 was. All these definitions (including mine) usually had two things in common: they seemed both relevant and incomplete at the same time
Andrew McAffee originally coined the term, and I think his latest definition of E2.0 is a good complement to mine: Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers. Based on these definitions, I hold a number of core beliefs about E2.0 that ground my day-to-day work with clients as well as my thinking and writing about E2.0
What is “Big Data”? Check out the definition in this executive summary ; or as I and others like to say, “It’s as big as a piece of string is long”
Under the following definition corporate socialism is happening
Let’s start with a definition of social learning to get alignment on what we are talking about before we dive deeper
For simplicity's sake, however, this is what we normally use to provide the most straightforward definitions of all things Web 2.0: Web 2.0 - The continuously changing, participatory Web with a focus on building collective intelligence on myriad devices and primarily servicing The Long Tail
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