I love it when somebody does something that inspires a blog entry. Trying to write two SharePoint blogs each week, and keeping them useful, can be challenging, so it’s nice when someone helps. What’s helping me today is the fact that this Community has moved on up to the AIIM site....
The biggest quantum leapfrogs in Clark's estimation are persistent linking (each content object generates its own unique ID) and the co-habitation of folksonomies and controlled vocabularies as part of Managed Metadata Services ("MMS")
These are an ideal time saver as they don’t require the interested user in periodically checking for new updates. Document ID Service The Document ID Service in SharePoint offers 2 major benefits
This time, the answer was to be found at “Adobe Acrobat 10 Displays/Prints Gibberish” - http://helpspot.business.uconn.edu/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=344 . The problem has to do with the option of the Adobe software to “Rely on system fonts only, do not use document fonts” when the PDF file is generated
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No, because the system updated the modified date if we had to make a mass update to customer ID number when two of our accounts merged, which we had to do at least twice since the system went into place
Think of Index Fields that accurately describe what the file contains like “Vendor Name”, “Invoice Number” and “Invoice Amount” for Accounts Payable or employee identifiers like “Name” Date of Birth” and “Employee ID Number” for Human Resources
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