You may be wondering what the status of MoReq2010 is, and when teh next vesion will appear. So am I. Nobody is saying. The finished MoReq2010 was promised for the end of 2010. But it has not appeared. What has appeared is a consultation draft (published at http:/...
I hope you know about the MoReq2010 consultation process, and that you will take part in it. The consultation is due to be open until 26 December 2010, so don’t lose any time. The consultation draft of MoReq2010 is long and complex; in my view it goes much further than the expected...
MoReq 2010 Consultation Portal Launched Request for contributions To participate register at MoReq 2010 project The DLM Forum has begun an intensive work programme to update MoReq, model requirements...
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