Recent headlines surrounding the loss of emails at the IRS highlight major concerns over records management in government. One of the biggest challenges agencies face today, besides the skyrocketing volume of email, is how to effectively retain and manage email records based on regulatory and...
With the 2012 President’s Managing Government Records Directive (MGRD), federal agencies were required to finally make the transition to electronic record keeping and address the challenge of managing email for both records management and e-discovery purposes. Email represents...
On 30 May 2013 the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) opened a consultation period on its proposed 'Capstone' approach to managing e-mail. If the approach is adopted US federal agencies will be asked to schedule the e-mail accounts of senior staff for eventual...
For those of us that have reviewed NARA’s draft bulletin “Guidance on a New Approach to Managing Email Records” (available at NARA Capstone Draft ), we’ve seen a glimpse of what may be the future of email records management, for large agencies anyway — and it may...
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