The aim of the 1 hour session was to give a little insight into where SharePoint project challenges are and how, through the use of Serious Games techniques, such as Innovation Games(R) and Gamestorming we can break the vicious cycle of poor requirements gathering, unhappy users, SharePoint Celery and conflict between IT and the business teams
Perhaps you are in a situation where your organization is evaluating the use of SharePoint or you may be the one whose organization made the choice and now you are faced with making it all work. The first question to ask is why? Why are you using SharePoint? What problem does it address or gap will it fill?
It is titled the "Business Critical SharePoint Program" and it is intended for Microsoft partners focused on delivering business critical solutions for their clients using SharePoint
2 Comments - Regarding your question, short answer is yes, in that you can use BCS capabilities for CRUD operations
That will be the topic for another day, now back to the form. At the top of the form was the statement, “Required for Meaningful Use”
When asked what they use, 11% indicated SharePoint while 36% indicated they seek BPM tools from their ECM suppliers. The thing that strikes me most about all of this is that while the 69% say is it significant only 1/5 of the processes are being addressed
What is the role of the Business Analyst, and how does it fit into a successful SharePoint strategy?
1 Comment - I believe that the BA role is critical for any successful deployment of any type of ECM (in addition to Sharepoint)
More specifically, it is a study of the way that we do business – the tools we use, how we connect and collaborate, and how we consume and disperse information. It is important to understand social informatics because the fundamentals of how the next generation of your workforce (Millenials and beyond) relate to each other, how they work alone or together, and how they use technology has changed **dramatically** over the past decade. Understanding these changes in how people think about their enterprise applications may help you to evolve your thinking about how to deploy or transform your SharePoint platform. Within the context of SharePoint are the building blocks of an enterprise social informatics shift, helping you to shape your environment to meet the needs of your evolving end users: metadata and taxonomy, service applications, social computing features, and the first steps into mobile. Some things to consider from an informatics perspective: ■Metadata and Taxonomy It is important to build and (proactively) maintain your metadata and taxonomy regardless of your SharePoint architecture and future plans, but even more so with SharePoint 2010
" And now here I am, remembering how I used to have to log into multiple physical systems -- or at the very least, having to carry multiple passkeys -- to be able to access different line of business applications or systems, where now I log into a bank of Hyper-V environments from a single console while sitting at home
Play 700 simultaneous games of Words With Friends?
One of the more confusing aspects of SharePoint is its Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities
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