During our discussions about the “Start Your SharePoint Day” session, I was chatting with the group about how these techniques could be used to unearth opportunities for developing new functionality and generating business value ideas that could be applied to the current platform; “Start Your Day” played as described above, will certainly unearth some of these through attendees discussing missing functionality or problems they encounter, but the focus of the ‘question’ and the way it’s facilitated ‘normally’ doesn’t focus on this, that’s not it’s original goal
Making the discovery of relevant content easier and more efficient is one of the potential business benefits of Enterprise 2.0 systems. It's good for the company if employees can more quickly find and consume the content they need. And social computing technologies present us with the...
And I suggested we need to become a social organization across our value chains if we indeed wish to understand our social customer
As you can probably imagine it was a little too manic to deliver lots of value and my eyes really ached trying to follow the tweet-stream for an hour, but for all its issues there were some very interesting aspects that I want to take the time to share with you all
But have you ever considered that there may be business value in the information stored on you old microforms
Outcomes – We facilitate the definition of value, outcomes and requirements you need to deliver for your organisation, business, customers, citizens or stakeholders
Last week on a different blog, I talked about how we are using SharePoint to manage the voting for a Holiday Door Decorating contest in our office. Marc D. Anderson commented that: “This is one of those fun little applications that I could get totally lost in. It would be an...
The availability of more advanced technologies will do nothing if people don’t see value and don’t use them The breakthrough change forces will have to come from different directions to enable such a leap in the corporate world
Are there clear communication channels, do people work well with each other, does management value staff b
A person who could not see the value of all that
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