I was reading Daniel Antion's post entitled Make SharePoint Simple , which made me think about my own transition into the topic of SharePoint productivity this past year. In his article, Dan shares some experience he's had recently with customers and students who are beginning to use SharePoint...
Every time I read an article about some company analyzing the scary end of the Twitter fire hose, I am convinced that Big Data is the equivalent of Dark Matter – it’s important, but not to me on a daily basis. Working in Information Services for a small company, it doesn’t take too long for ...
How productive are your end users? We all have this idea running through our minds about what productivity means, and whether or not we think our organizations are good at getting the most out of our people. I'm not talking about the strengths or weaknesses of any single individual around time...
Increasing productivity without increasing demand is part of the problem in our current recession, and if you look closely at the data, has been an issue with the US economy for more than a decade. According to Robert Z. Lawrence and Lawrence Edwards in their HBR article Shattering the Myths...
One of the most underappreciated (in my estimation) roles in IT is the Business Analyst, and yet it should be one of the most critical functions in your organization. Within many companies, a BA is viewed as being junior to project managers, with all BA's aspiring to the PM role. This should not...
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Why is it that something with as many functions, uses, applications and game-changing design features as an iPhone is ultimately easy to understand, and something like SharePoint ends up weighed down by the stone of “ what is it? ” About half the people in our company have iPhones, a...
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