This could cause real problems with automatically rendered PDFs to be used as official records unless human eyeballs caught the anomaly
7 Comments - - Yes, I am seeing this on some of the more considerate Web sites that know you want a business record. It would just be nice if we were better informed when we were actually creating the "garbage" in the first place
Another reason for original copy deletion is records management. For records management to be a success you really need a single copy of record – trust me here, I've been browbeaten on this topic by a lot of records managers. On the topic of records management, once the content is in an archive you can of course attach a life-cycle to it (retention and disposition polices) which results in one of the biggest benefits of archival – risk management
An end-to-end EIM solution for me would at least have to include capture (get it in), advanced BPM (connect it to processes and content within the entire information infrastructure - not just content in SharePoint) and archival (long term tiered storage under strict records management for inactive SharePoint content amongst other volumes of old non-SharePoint content that we need to keep)
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This could all take place in a SharePoint Records Center, which would provide that compliant environment and ensure that access to the information is always available – permission granted of course!
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