I hear this term Smartphone and I envision a classroom full of phones learning how to read, do calculations and eventually graduating from Smartphone school with the designation Smartphone duly conferred upon them. Is it really the phone that is smart or is it the user who masters the...
For those who have been keeping tabs on the rise of social business in healthcare, McKinsey's 5th annual survey on the way organizations use social tools & technologies finds that they continue to seep into many organizations, transforming business processes and raising performance. In...
Join us on September 1 from 11-Noon EST for a tweet jam focused on how ECM enables mobile content. If you "went" to the last one, you know how this works, skip down to the questions. Everyone else, here's how it works. What’s a Tweet Jam Musicians jam...
Do you have an iPhone, Droid, Blackberry Storm, or any newer smart phone with a decent camera? Well then congratulations, you are ready to wade into the world of mobile capture. Here is a typical scenario where mobile capture makes sense: ...
iPad, iPhone, Android, surface technology, all of it is wonderful, mesmerizing the techie in many of us. The world of cool tools and gadgets of all types tends to take us into a dream world where everything is great and information comes to us readily and easily. Yet there is still some...
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