” You can absolutely virtualize the entire farm with no issues. Third-Party Tools and SharePoint ISVs Over the past 8 or 9 years I have had the sincere pleasure of working with some of the top SharePoint ISVs out there and over the years some of come and gone but they key players are still there such as: Idera Metalogix AvePoint Axceler Colligo HiSoftware Tzunami WebPartGallery Bamboo Solutions Quest KnowledgeLake And many others I do not have room to mention but are very reputable From an I.T
Long-term Backup and Archiving For organizations with strict retention policies, the need to improve SLAs on critical scopes of content, and/or the need to maintain a copy of content on-premises to comply with organizational policies, there is no out-of-the-box backup or archiving solution. Third-party tools are your only real option at this time
Cost – SharePoint cruised past the point where it can be effectively deployed to meet an ECM challenge without the aid of third-party tools. Email integration alone will cost you, and if you throw in the goal of accessing SharePoint (integrated with email) on a tablet, you need multiple tools
When attending a show like Info360, I hope to take away a few nuggets that make me reconsider the world I work in. The keynotes and sessions I attended covered a lot of ground, but here are three things that have kept my head spinning. I have to apologize to the people who made these remarks. I...
3 Comments - I’m a huge skeptic when I see a Microsoft demo or a demo from a third party tool vendor because they naturally try to show off what the tool does
Nowhere is this impairment more possible than with the legion of third-party tools that sell SharePoint security, audit, and optimization functions to IT administrators
The end user should not have to decide what should be declared as a record. Third party tools are available to help manage this aspect very effectively and in a predictable and repeatable manner
It is also possible to extend the product using third-party tools or customize the platform, which will make the total ownership cost rise some more
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Several points that I get questions on every week that I think companies really need to understand that I have seen out there “in the trenches”: YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A THIRD PARTY TOOL TO MIGRATE SHAREPOINT 2007 CONTENT TO SHAREPOINT 2013 My firm partners with most all of the SharePoint ISVs out there in a very agnostic manner but the amount of money you would spend on a 3 rd party tool that “seamlessly migrates from 2007 to 2013” or “helps you migrate from 2007 to 2010 and then seamlessly to 2013” would better be spent repaving your companies parking lot!
In a nutshell, the following were some of the limitations of the SharePoint 2007 deployment process: Poor Integration: The legacy deployment process required introduction of third-party tools to automate some of the steps in the deployment process
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