I haven’t thought this all the way through, and there are a lot of people ( Jon Husband , Harold Jarche , and a guy I had beer with on Monday who is the founder of Simplexity Systems and the inspiration for this post, for example) who are way more knowledgeable about Social Network Analysis (SNA) than I am
Well my very rough and ready social network analysis and highlights are as follows: · About 72 people added their profiles to the network, that’s about ¼ of the attendees which isn’t bad as it wasn’t publicised except for some social media pushing · None of us are really artists, but the sketches to represent our avatars were wonderfully brilliant, fun and diverse… You guys need to use more visual techniques in your SharePoint activities, let’s talk about how I can help you do that J · Despite zero rules or policing, out of 72 participants, only one person/company took the p!
Huge progress has been made in this field (http://zylab.wordpress.com/2010/02/23/automatic-email-and-social-network-analysis/). 4
You can learn more about these topics from the following links: http://zylab.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/machine-translation-that-works-finally-here-is-why-and-how%e2%80%a6/ http://zylab.wordpress.com/2010/04/08/learn-how-text-analytics-can-streamline-early-case-assessments-and-improve-litigation-readiness-and-preparedness/ http://zylab.wordpress.com/2010/02/23/automatic-email-and-social-network-analysis/ Trying to keep up with the online Joneses can be overwhelming at times
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