I just spent three days with a group of people who are dedicated, smart, hard-working, knowledgeable, and all the other superlatives you can think of – they are the people who own and work in the document management service bureau industry. These companies take in your business documents (and more!)
I thought this was a perfect opportunity for a service bureau to come in and provide a SaaS solution
Companies that convert paper documents (and/or film) are typically called service bureaus. A service bureau will have in-depth knowledge of all types of paper documents, and usually has the latest scanners, software, hardware, and other associated equipment to satisfy most needs
Q: How did you initially become involved in service bureaus and large-format scanning?
He operates a kind of service bureau to the bank's business units
Whether you are a service bureau or doing a project in-house, I find this one simple task to keep your images in control, no matter the size of the project
Proper disposal is a primary consideration especially for highly regulated industries. Third party service bureau services can be added to supplement Shared Service capture services to support certain business functions, increase capacity when needed and to conduct back-file conversions when requested
In the analysis of Nucleus case studies, 62% of all returns came from direct benefits such as reduced paper or avoidance of staff or service bureau costs. Another 38% of returns came from indirect benefits, such as productivity
The operation can be run by in house personnel, be managed by a services provider in house, or be outsourced to a scanning service bureau. It requires high volume/high speed hardware, and typically utilizes advanced capture software to allow for the utmost in automation and efficiency
When you utilize a service bureau to capture your engineering drawings, my philosophy is this: We will capture the image as good as or better than the original, Indexing is the key to a successful project and the future use of your data
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