Demand for process automation is rapidly increasing as organizations struggling to compete in a stressed economy work to survive and hopefully grow. The concept of process automation is a sound direction to take and will provide beneficial results ranging from cost reduction to increased efficiency for the organization as a whole yet at the same time, potentially create a sense of angst in the employee base. This angst of course is the sense that process automation will eliminate jobs, which is not always the case and should be communicated. In my view, successful process automation requires a team effort beginning with the end user and an understanding of how the process works now
I’ve heard on more than one occasion, workflow or process automation would be great if only it were fast, easy and inexpensive to implement
So what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about business process automation (BPA)? I’ll bet that it’s not a multi function peripheral (MFP)!
” Lately, I’ve been hearing, “We think process automation/workflow might be good for us, but how do we target the right process?...We all know that there are so, so many processes that could be streamlined with process automation or workflow
See matching posts in thread - AIIM True North webinar Dec 7 - The Practical Tr...
See matching posts in thread - Reminder AIIM True North webinar Dec 7 - The Pra...
See matching posts in thread - Description: All too often, companies invest in ...
Description : All too often, companies invest in digital transformation applications like robotic process automation (RPA) and AI, and expect to layer them over the existing business and operational processes
03-23-2022 | 12:30 - 13:30 ET
In a world where everyone wonders what will be next in social collaboration, process automation or electronic content management, this article actually presents a new way of looking at the state of the web today
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