Other organizations that are heavily paper based may focus on physical records management
These companies store physical records, microfilms, audio/videotapes, x-rays but also computer tapes and hard drives for their clients
As SharePoint 2010 becomes better established, look for these vendors to support the provisioning of SharePoint sites that incorporate this classification information into the resulting SharePoint site navigation. Stand-alone physical records management is challenged by SharePoint An important competition in physical records management has long been between the ECM Suites (IBM, EMC, Open Text, and Oracle) and the stand-alone physical records management vendors (OmniRIM, Accutrac, CA-MDY, Information Networks International, and many others)
Nearly all respondents (96%) had a pre-approval process for destruction of physical records stored off-site , and the majority (78%) applied a pre-approval process to physical records stored on-site . The most frequent roles involved in pre-approval process for the destruction of physical records were RM, Legal, Tax, and the department that owns the records. 1. Does your company require pre-approval for destruction of physical records stored on-site?
Nearly all respondents (96%) in both surveys had a pre-approval process for destruction of physical records stored off-site, and the majority (78-82%) had a pre-approval process for physical records stored on-site. The most frequent roles involved in pre-approval process for the destruction of physical records were RM, Legal, Tax, and the department that owns the records
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The traditional HP Tower physical records management functionality was implemented through SharePoint web parts to communicate with the HP Tower repository. This is an advanced example of support for the records management of SharePoint content and physical records in a single system
Just ask any current user of physical records management software capabilities how much “strategic commitment” is communicated to them by the new acquiring company. They will probably tell you that the current software support staff simply does not know what will happen with the physical records management features that customers use daily
Even though tragedies like this happen, it does not mean that electronic records is the route to go to have the most secure storage for records. For physical records it may take decades for a building to decay and no longer be a safe location for records
There are three ways to attack physical records: Capture physical documents to digital and shred the physical
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