Yet, I see so little evolution. Today at the Info 360 conference, with a ton of AIIM and industry people, I was shocked to see all of the paper scanners, various scanning technologies and a host of other business models and processes that I thought were long gone
How is the recovery going for everyone after the Info 360 conference? It was awesome to meet many of you in person, and to catch up with old friends
I spent most of this week at the Info360 conference in Washington, DC. I presented at a few breakout sessions, moderated a bunch of expo floor panels, saw a couple of presentations, and had some great conversations throughout the three days I was there…and as the icing on the cake, I not...
After spending 3+ days at the AIIM Conference/Info360 event in Washington, DC, my brain is clogged with all kinds of interesting nuggets! Here are but a few of the more intriguing story lines that stuck following my ECM Practitioner class, my series of show-floor briefings, and my...
Yesterday afternoon, I gave a presentation at Info360. This is the 12 th time I have attended this conference, and the sixth time I have been a presenter. We have been informed that this is the final year the show will include a reference to AIIM Expo. Yeah, yeah, the show was sold to Questex a...
I found this particularly interesting in light of the recent discussion around this topic on our very own AIIM Capture Community blog, and at the Info 360 Conference earlier this year
Hardly. (Live from the Info 360 show floor) ” Maybe document capture is not evolving
AIIM SharePoint Summit @ INFO 360 (Washington, DC) – March 21-24 Part of the larger AIIM conference in DC
When attending a show like Info360, I hope to take away a few nuggets that make me reconsider the world I work in. The keynotes and sessions I attended covered a lot of ground, but here are three things that have kept my head spinning. I have to apologize to the people who made these remarks. I...
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