Social Is a Business Tool -- 60% --> the amount of time the average worker spends being social (collaborating) in pursuit of goals (Dion Hinchcliffe) 40% --> Amount of a creative team's productivity MIT researchers found to be directly attributable to social interaction (MIT) 7% --> Average productivity increase among employees with extensive digital networks (MIT) 30% --> Average productivity increase among employees with extensive face-to-face networks (MIT) 20% --> Average increase in employee satisfaction among companies that implemented social media tools (McKinsey) 5
AIIM True North would like to invite you to a webinar on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 12:30 PM ET. The presentation will discuss how to overcome resistance and motivate people to change. You can register here . This webinar is eligible for 1 CEU. Please complete the CIP Certification...
10-18-2023 | 12:30 - 13:30 ET
Increased involvement and commitment of employees through greater identification and employee satisfaction The new Social Messaging Study provides you with a detailed comparison of Social Messaging solutions
Baseline your employee satisfaction and engagement before you launch your tool and then measure it at regular intervals after the tool
Do they think about how they might be able to increase employee satisfaction while at the same time improving operational efficiency?
The final word There are some other, fuzzier benefits to SM-enabled HR, like employee satisfaction and the overall quality of the workplace, but I tried to stick to harder, more quantifiable benefits in this post
Management measures revenues and expenses, but also operational efficiency, markets, customer and employee satisfaction, vendor performance, the competition, and a whole host of other metrics
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First off, thanks again to everyone for joining yesterday's tweetjam. Lots of great conversation and ideas flying around. I'm going to quickly summarize a few of the common threads (think Clifnotes). The complete transcript of the jam follows. It's a LOT to digest, but well worth the...
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