In this age of email and file sharing, you would think most document security issues would be caused by breaches in an electronic document management system
All ready to go green? Like many others, you’ve probably invested heavily in converting documents to digital format and built e-commerce infrastructure to help you become more efficient -- and green. Instead of using FedEx to send out contracts, reports and other sensitive documents...
But on the other hand, document security needs to be transparent to end users so as not to hamstring their work
Is this a rather narrow interpretation of document security and border control process efficiency?
When digital documents can be found instantaneously by keyword search, customer service can greatly improve. 9. Improved Document Security Paper documents are not as secure as you might think
It may be best to handle document security classifications in metadata rather than at the folder level
In situations where the information is especially sensitive, there are technologies from companies like Adobe, Xerox, Document Security Systems, and others who can help not only provide digital fingerprints to track electronic documents, but also to make paper documents unable to be photocopied or photocopied selectively
#1: The Questions that We’re Asking Ourselves General DM and Repository Capabilities What kind of general repository management and library services do they need, such as check-in/check-out, document security, etc.?
Sure, posting documents in the Yammer cloud was fraught with risks to document security and governance and so much more
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Poor record-keeping or document security can lead to complaints, or invite deeper audit or investigation from regulatory bodies
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