Cloud Content Management (CCM) is such a new subject that at the time I wrote this post there is not a Wikipedia entry for CCM
Yesterday (May 30, 2016) I read this article which contends that Box, Dropbox, and others are not content management platforms. I was considering not linking to the article and just putting up screen shots of the main points, but I decided on the link instead. The article is nothing but FUD ...
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Below is an “extract” from the recently published AIIM ToolKit, “Cloud Content Management – Not Revolutionary but Transformative for Records Management
When considering a cloud file storage application for your business, there are a number of questions to be considered as part of the initial planning for the site. These questions are: How much data (files/documents) will be migrated to the cloud application? How many users...
Three basic content migration strategies are: 1. Allow users to move documents on an as needed basis. This allows users to move the documents from their current repository to the new repository when the document(s) are needed. There may not be any other formal migration of content by...
According to the AIIM study, 42% of those polled plan to use some form of cloud content management, and 42% of companies have no plans either way. Within these same companies 30% are seeing an increase in “unofficial” cloud content management and only 5% have an “official” cloud content option
I don’t agree that everything in the graphic belongs under IG, but it does illustrate how all encompassing and complicated IG is. With cloud content management, collaboration, and storage offerings becoming more and more accepted, IG needs to adapt
There is little doubt in my mind that there is much pent up desire for this sort of ready access, a conviction that is only supported by the AIIM research finding that “30% [of respondents] are seeing increasing use of unofficial cloud content management and file shares
I think that the world of cloud content management and legacy systems can coexist peacefully, and actually compliment each other
I was at a cloud conference last week and “security” was again a top issue for both attendees and developers. Quite frankly, I was surprised. Several days later I read a blog about cloud computing and one the responders said he thought there were too many security issues with cloud...
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