Earlier this year I completed an assessment of Alfresco for a university client. The university licensed Alfresco several years ago and did not have much success. They hired me to find out why, and what to do about it. The options they wanted to look at were to continue on with Alfresco or...
Here at AIIM we're making some technology changes that will improve many of the things we do and will allow us to do some new and very interesting things for our global community of information professionals. But as part of that process we ended up in a discussion I thought provided...
Moffitt Cancer Center Case Study – Helping Those Help Themselves By marting@conceptsearching.com on March 11, 2013 in Blog , Enterprise 2.0/Web 2.0 , Enterprise Metadata Management , Search We all see case studies all the time. Obviously they are success stories or no one would be writing about them. Although this case study used our technology, it illustrates the power of technology and technical and business expertise when combined can actually make a difference in people’s lives. Microsoft recently published a case study on Moffitt Cancer Center
The Business Intelligence Capabilities of SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities in SharePoint 2013 are vast and in many cases are achieved with a combination of SharePoint and Microsoft Office or SharePoint and SQL Server’s capabilities . Note: ...
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization
See matching posts in thread - POPS: a digital transformation case stud...
The presentation will be a case study of how digital ethics delivers business value and the key elements to develop a digital ethics framework
05-27-2021 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
See matching posts in thread - Reminder - Webinar AIIM True North May 27 - Digi...
One of the best practices from these top companies is to focus on one or two very specific business cases that have benefited from the use of an E2.0 solution. Many of these case studies are focusing on areas that include: Fostering Innovation – driving new ideas in areas such as products, processes, techniques, workflows, etc
The presentation is a case study of how change management can help manage implementation risks of digital transformation initiative
05-24-2023 | 12:30 - 13:30 ET
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