Gone are the days of organizing records based on person, role or other means which worked well in a paper based system. A business classification scheme is more flexible and adaptable for the big buckets of today's changing information needs
Once such example is business process management and creating a business classification scheme (BCS)
An Information survey will: Provide understanding of the organization’s content and records Add value to the important of content and records management Determine business and system requirements Identify user groups and user information Contributed to development of the business classification scheme (BCS) Contribute to the business case Tell us about your efforts to carry out an information survey within your organization What were the key success factors in collecting this information?
Then, the ERM Implementation team has to work with, and through, the User Group on: The specifications for the ERM system and environment; The approach to the Business Classification Scheme and the other records management instruments; The testing of the candidate ERM systems; and The selection of the preferred ERM system
First, you have to create a business classification scheme. This documents the activities of the organization at the function/activity/task level as well as the documents that are created or captured as part of them
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