Social business requires change in more than your marketing department, are you ready? There is a fundamental change in how we do business. Driven by the networked communication tools flourishing on the web, tools like YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, how we communicate with those who benefit...
Of course, this is a challenge that is not specific to improving collaboration; it's a reaction that every organisation embarking on a significant business change initiative (and even perhaps in the case of more minor process change projects) will have encountered to some extent or another. Unfortunately, because collaboration initiatives are often tightly tied with the implementation of a software solution, the fact that it is a business change project is often entirely overlooked, with the result that there are many false starts and failures before the organisation finally accepts that the technology will not solve the problem for them, and that you need a properly planned approach to business change
You need to invest in an adoption strategy to make it work, with the understanding that what you are aiming for is not just adoption of the tools, but business change. So far, so good
Over the last few years, I've spent a lot of time writing and talking about the benefits of collaboration and the technology to support collaboration in its many forms. What has become clear during that time is just how nebulous and confusing the term "collaboration" is. But while it's easy to...
Since for many organisations (particularly large enterprises) it involves a major business change project to shift the organisational culture from top to bottom into one that is more open and interactive, the process does not (and cannot) happen overnight, taking many months and more likely years to complete
While the term "gamification" itself might make you cringe - and undoubtedly causes many of the same perceived time-wasting issues that "Facebook for the enterprise" does in terms of reassuring senior executives of its value in a business setting - the hype around applying gaming-style...
In a nutshell, it is the cost of business change that you have to plan for. It's not the first time I've talked about the business change issue in this blog ( here , here and here , for example), but I want to highlight the importance of ensuring up front that everyone directly involved in the initiative recognises the significance of this aspect, and the long-term costs involved in making it work. Many business cases focus on the cost of deployment vs. the potential benefits, and fail to adequately address the business change cost, and this is a huge risk for the project, particularly given that in the time it will take for you to achieve the cultural change necessary to truly demonstrate the benefits you are looking for, your corporate leadership team may well have changed, with your initial sponsor/champion having moved on
People often talk about why social collaboration initiatives fail, and any organisation on their own collaboration journey will be conscious of the massive pressure to achieve strong levels of adoption of their new technology in order to demonstrate their success. The trouble with this, in my...
Addressing this concern should be a major issue for any organisation looking to evolve its culture into a more collaborative one, since this is a fundamental aspect of the business change required, and relates to a necessary shift in the role of the manager
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There are, of course, many aspects to that, such as whether there is a clear business reason for the initiative in the first place, and whether adequate investment has been made in the business change needed to shift an entire organisation's culture
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