Connecting E-Mail into Microsoft SharePoint By Jacob Ukelson, chief technology officer of ActionBase Recently, we’ve focused on the concept of how organizations value the option to have follow-up, tracking and process management capabilities available with e-mail
Collaboration across borders is fundamental to business success, and many Fortune 500 companies appear to agree, as Microsoft reports that 70% of such companies use Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies for collaboration, business intelligence, and social computing
As a follow-up I would like to share a brief question and answer session on the specific topic of Document Scanning for Microsoft SharePoint as there is tremendous interest in this capability. Questions and Answers about Document Scanning for Microsoft SharePoint 1
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This is the second of a two-part series that summarizes the main points in the ongoing debate about the impact of Microsoft SharePoint on the ECM community
I think it’s because Jeff (and the rest of Microsoft SharePoint Team) have forgotten about all the ‘nails’ you really need!
So you have a very good and well established SharePoint application and all is going well but it is now 2013 and Microsoft have done again; they have gone out and release yet another version of Microsoft SharePoint which is SharePoint 2013
You can find a workaround to protect your servers from this attack on the Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog
This is a guest post by Robert B. Yonaitis, CIPP/IT, Chief Research Scientist, AvePoint . Everywhere you turn today you hear about various instances of data loss and data breaches, all of which lead to a general sense of data insecurity. These issues range from loss to theft, or even...
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Previous posts: Optimize Microsoft SharePoint to Collaborate with Confidence ) In 2013 and for the foreseeable future, enterprise organizations are facing dramatic cuts in their budgets, yet still being held to as high a standard as ever for performance and service
For all of us living in the world of SharePoint, we are getting prepared in some fashion or another for the “really, really big” show; the Microsoft SharePoint User Conference taking place October 2-7 in Anaheim California
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