Previous posts: Ensuring Microsoft Office 365 Administration Doesn’t Interfere with Productivity (part 1) ) While the next few considerations might seem like a second thought to veterans of SharePoint, those new to SharePoint Online will definitely benefit from the lessons learned by the community since 2001
This is a guest post by Shyam Oza, AvePoint Sr. Product Manager (Note: This is part of our series “Collaborate with Confidence”. Previous posts: Increasing Your Organization’s Productivity through Customer Relationship Management ) Just because an organization...
And if you have to comply with a look and feel, or need to create complex documents across the enterprise, you might be forced to use Microsoft Office that really doesn’t handle these types of workloads that well
Some of these are (unfortunately) still in use and are quite complex to process correctly, as their complexity has grown over the years: yes I'd talking about the Microsoft Office legacy formats :) I worked for some time with the Apache POI project that works at implementing parsers for theses old formats and I couldn't believe how complex and undocumented these were
Can O365 Support your Organization's ECM One Company, one focus, and possibly one future for what commercial and business customers have known as Microsoft Office. Over the last few years Microsoft has rapidly moved its Office products to the cloud, and onto the Office 365 platform
I can always tell when I'm about to stretch the limits of what I've come to know as the SharePoint homestead or "KM System." That's when I leave SharePoint for an extended period and tease through the trail of keywords, search sessions, and other unstructured droppings....
Recently Google announced the acquisition of QuickOffice - a “Cloud” based office productivity solution known for its ability to provide better than average Microsoft Office file format support and cross-device support. The thought that immediately came to mind wasn’t so much that Google is once again ramping up its capabilities in its battle against Microsoft Office 365, rather, it’s the misconceptions folks have with regards to functionality between Cloud and on-premise solutions
Better support for Microsoft Office. 7. Microsoft looks like 'open source' when compared to Apple. 6
Jared is the new Vice President of Microsoft Office and comes from Open Text, so he understands the history of ECM and SharePoint exceptionally well
With over 125 million SharePoint users and a goal to reach 500 million with the next release of Office (aka Wave 15 ) From Jared Spataro’s keynote at SharePoint TechCon in San Francisco a few weeks ago The goal is to get 500 million people to the point where they can "get work done, together" Jared also said they want to leverage the 1 billion Microsoft Office users. Which makes perfect sense
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